Are you a Ferrari or Fiat?

 FerrariLove your liver and it will love you back :)Drinking less alcohol (it is dry January after all)Drinking more water (yes I know you know that but do you do it?)And...Eating natural, unprocessed food is what our bodies are designed to thrive on, yet we still stuff them full of toxic, manmade rubbish and wonder why we have bad skin, no energy, feel bloated and just not very healthy.Simply put - if you had a Ferrari I doubt you would go to the cheapest petrol station and fill it with whatever dirty fuel was on offer - you'd more likely give it premium fuel so that it ran smoothly. Ofcourse you definitely wouldn't put diesel into a petrol car as we know that is a recipe for disaster (I've very nearly done it!)So if you want to get your engine running better... then try my simple 7 day detox which doesn't involve drinking any grass flavoured teas or anything fancy - just real food that tastes great, including tasty smoothies for lunch and delicious protein packed lunches and dinners.Andrew from New York loved the recipes and after 7 days his jeans felt much better.Lisa (a busy mum of 2) lost 6lbs!At just £7 what have you got to lose except those post Christmas pounds that might still be hanging around.Zita's 7 Day Detox Click here to start feeling great Ofcourse you need to maintain a healthy diet for longer than just 7 days but this has proved to be a great kickstart to get you either back into or just starting healthy habits.Coconut Berry Detox SmoothieI also now offer an 8 week Total Body Shape Up Plan for people who are ready commit to carrying on healthy habits that will get even more results. Find out more about the 8 week shape up plan that involves regular exercise at our Zest Bootcamp classes in Bath alongside the online nutritional plan (which anyone can do anywhere) by clicking here Total Body Shape up Plan results So remember if you want to be run like a Ferrari you have to put the best fuel in :)Zita xPS Our next trial week at Zest Bootcamp in Bath starts on 1st February so why not come and see how much fun it is - don't let the word bootcamp scare you.


Healthy Pancake Day


Total Body Shape Up Plan