Boxing Day Burpees

Hands up if like me you are feeing a little more rotund today :(Screen Shot 2015-12-26 at 09.23.35Inevitable really but that's no reason not to get moving with a few boxing day burpees - yes my favourite exercise (love/hate relationship) that burns loads of calories, works your heart and lungs and strengthens up nearly the whole body. It doesn't need any equipment and there are variations to make it easier so let's go.Burpee sequenceThe regular version is a 3 - 4 part movement.

  1. Hands on the floor, jump the feet out behind you into a plank type position (photos 1 & 2)
  2. Jump the feet back in with bent knees and at same start to jump up, hands above the head (photos 3 & 4)
  3. Return hands to floor and repeat. Make sure you keep your abdominals pulled in to keep your core strong

We can make it more challenging by adding in a press up when you are in the plank position and we can make it easier in a couple of ways - first way is by putting your hands on a low step, eg bottom of the stairs. The other way to make it easier and a great low impact alternative for people who haven't exercised for a while to start with is to step each foot out into plank and step them both in rather than jumping, and also to just stand up and raise hands above head rather than adding in the jump. Top tip - why not clap your hands at the top as it means you can’t “cheat”!How many burpees should you do? Aim to start with 10 in 1 go and then build up your repetitions to maybe 20 in 1 go. Alternatively set your timer and see how many you can do in 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds and then repeat.Enjoy!Zitaps If you are not able to attend our group exercise classes in Bath at Zest Bootcamp but still want to start a health & fitness regime in January I have the perfect thing  - click here for more info.


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