Fitness is finished
For most people today is not about fitness but tomorrow will be all about "New year, New You" etc.Don't be caught up in any of the faddy, fast fixes that the mainstream media will bombard you with.Instead find what will work for you longer term as fitness and health should be a lifelong passion not just for after Christmas. Our 7 day detox is a great kickstart to get you back into those healthy habits. Loads of people have downloaded it and use the plan when they need a little "clean up" - Click HERE 7 day detox I'm really looking forward to getting back into a more normal fitness routine after tonight and also back on the nutrition plan (especially no more alcohol).January bootcamp starts back in Bath on Monday and I think everyone will be ready to start working up a sweat.If you've never been then grab a place at Trial week - Click >><<have a great evening everyoneZita xps if you do have too many bubbles you know what to do - get that greens drink down you to help detoxify that liver! I will be :)