I vote to look after my health

Whether you are happy with the result of the referendum or not, the one thing you can control is your health and wellness.

No matter what life throws at us,no one can deny that being in good health, feeling fit and energetic will helps us deal with things better.
So if you stayed up late or all night to watch the votes come in, be sure to get to bed early tonight as when we don't get enough sleep our immunity is one of the things that suffers so you will be more prone to catching any summer colds flying around.
Also our sugar cravings can go a bit wild if we miss out on the correct amount of sleep and appetite a bit haywire - the body is so clever and looks after us if we look after it.
This week at bootcamp we have gotten a little wet to say the least but even in the rain the park looked beautiful and everyone got a good workout so stop making excuses and just get on with it - exactly like the crews did as shown in one of the videos on my Instagram page here 
Zita Alves Instagram
Result or excuse you can't have both as proved this week by a previous personal training client coming back for support as she thought she could do it on her own but 6 months later she feels rubbish because she stopped exercising and eating well.
Also a new 1-1 client, after just a few weeks, is noticing how much fitter she feels, her clothes are looser, she is sleeping better and her confidence is going up - she stopped making excuses and put energy into herself which in turn will rub off in a positive way with her children, husband and at work.
*** Don't wait for there to be a problem to start paying attention to your health. ***
High blood pressure and other health conditions can often go unnoticed for many years, especially if someone isn't overweight as they might assume they are healthy.
So I vote that you prioritise your health
have a great weekend
Zita "not at Glastonbury festival so no face painting this weekend" Alves
ps For anyone who prefers to exercise indoors why not download your f.ree copy of my core workout if you haven't tried it yet. Click here

Why wait to look after your health?


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