My Halloween Trick

No one wanted my treats:(How was your Halloween? I'm not sure if I was just hanging around different places last year but I don't remember everyone going to quite as much trouble carving pumpkins last year.If Facebook is anything togo buy there were some AMAZING carvings, I saw an owl sitting on a wire, fairies with stars and loads more unusual designs - very impressive. (ps Pumpkin recipe coming below)I was a bit sad that I didn't carve one but we do have some candle holders that look like mini pumpkins and are SO much easier :)Anyway I did get into the Halloween Spirit (get it!!) a bit and bought some treats for any little faces that knocked on the door. Chocolate, sweets, Haribos, lollipops etc .. no way!I thought a gluten and sugar free, healthy cereal bar would do the trick and.... it did. We didn't have anyone knock on the door!Nakd barWord must have got around that there weren't any "treats" at our house but I don't agree. Infact once you get off sugar, which many people are kind of addicted to, you really taste the natural sweetness of foods. I used to love a Kitkat or a boost bar - do they still exist? But now if I have a bit of someones chocolate I really don't like it as find it too sweet. The Nakd bars I had bought for last night were made from dates, cashew nuts and raspberries and in my opinion were sweet tasting and lovely.Come to think about it they weren't cereal bars at all really - and not to get confused with Special K and Alpen bars that I wouldn't recommend to people. These kind of bars are marketed as healthy but have you read the ingredients - not only are there loads of ingredients in the product but also words I don't understand and they certainly don't look very close to nature, which is THE healthiest way to eat. If you can recognise what a food is and can pull it off tree, out of ground, hunt or fish for it etc then it's pretty much certain to be good for you.Next time you are in the supermarket or even petrol service station have a quick peek at the back of the highly marketed cereal bars and see what you think. Unfortunately it's harder to get the healthy Nakd bars in some shops - health food shops are your best bet. Let me know what you think if you've not tried them before.If you want a healthier treat why not try a few squares of a dark chocolate - 70% or more cacao content. The fat and magnesium in this kind of chocolate will satisfy you more than a sugar laden chocolate or low fat bar.If you do what you always done then you get what you always got right? .... so try something new and see what happens.A bit like the new people doing our first Trial Week at bootcamp - most of them are totally new to the "bootcamp" thing so this way they have been able to try us out. Good news is they all loved it and have signed up for the rest of the month.Have a great weekend, especially of you are partying Halloween style!Zita "pumpkin pumping" Alvesps if you'd like to join our next bootcamp trial week go to and sign up for more information.pps Almost forgot.... if you'd like some clean pumpkin recipes just comment below with your email and I will send them


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