I never expected this

It’s been such a long time since my last blog post that I actually forgot how to log on!

So the best way to remember how to upload a blog post (and get back into the habit of doing it more regularly) is to just get it done and when the photo above popped up last month on my Facebook memories it was a great reminder of what I was doing a year ago.

My photoshoot took place last August and I have so many amazing images, thanks to Jenny Stewart and many that I have yet to use.

They say that life can often be about timing and I’m just so glad that I did the photoshoot in August as life changed in September when my husband was diagnosed with something that we never expected.

I won’t go into details here but the last 12 months have brought many challenges including 7 hour surgery, he is my superhero as is my mum who also underwent 7 hour surgery last year and ongoing medical treatment.


This quote sums it up really and I thought I’d just look at all the things I’m grateful for that have also happened in the last 12 months (in no particular order)

  • This website went live and although ideally I’d have gone for a big marketing “launch” of it, there were more important things going on, but at least it happened…. progress not perfection remember :)

  • I met some wonderful women at face to face business networking and other events - great to get that “real life” connection with people again after so many zoom meeting.

  • I ate A LOT of food and some very delicious chocolate, as well as a few dodgy entries, during my 4th time as one of the Judges for the Nourish Awards that champion healthy eating. The awards are in London this week and it’s so great to see new producers of ethical food that is good for our health and the planet.

  • I have run 2 successful day retreats near Bath that helped some wonderful women really relax and recharge their batteries. It’s such an honour to do this and the next one is on November 13th so click here to find out more.

  • Zesty candles are now a real thing with my own soy based candles. I chose lemongrass & ginger and they aren’t full of nasties as many commercial candles can be, available to retreat guests or to purchase here click here

  • I have helped many lovely ladies through Zest Bootcamp classes in Bath and online, stretch classes, via my 28 day total body clean up programme, my free Zest For Life Community on Facebook, a free 5 day challenge, 1-1 coaching and I also launched a new on-demand membership to help busy women who can’t make classes to access the recorded workouts to do in their own time. Click here if you’d like access to any of the above.

Self care spa day

On a personal level I’ve been very grateful that I got to travel to Portugal, enjoy spa time with my mum, go camping and even wear a wetsuit for the first time in my life - more on that another time!

And to finish I wanted to share the one thing that I think really helped me get through this year…. breath work and meditation.

I only started regularly practising morning breathwork and/or meditation about 18 months ago (and some days I don’t manage it) but what a HUGE difference it makes so if you haven’t listened to my simple 4 minute breathing practice before click here for the link.

The great thing about breathing is that ANYONE can do it, ANYTIME, it doesn’t cost a penny and you can do it ANYWHERE - sounds like a winner to me!

Even if you don’t believe that focused breathing can help rebalance your nervous system and help your mental and physical wellbeing… have a listen anyway :)

I will share some more breathing information in another blog post but for now I also wanted to share this fun fact about pineapples that I never knew… the fruit can take up to 2 years to grow!

wowsers - talking of fruit I uploaded an idea of what to do with blackberries if you get to pick them in the hedgerows this month - click here

Zita x

ps Remember this phrase if you are stuck with anything …PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION … it can really help


Food judging is fun!


Superfoods - are they real?